Bio Safety Cabinet


Ultra Clean Room Systems offers a precision engineered range of Bio-Safety Cabinet, which is manufacturers in line with the quality standard.

Bio Safety Cabinet is conceptualized to provide a work area completely bathed. Bio Safety Cabinet is used for pharma applications, operation theatre wherever Clean zone area required. Bio safety cabinet manufacturer with certified standards, used all guidelines for long lasting strength. Bio-Safety Cabinet provides ultra clean sterile HEPA filtered class 100 grades in an isolated area where the highly sensitive process activities. We are manufacturers and suppliers of bio safety cabinet in Mumbai, India to entire world since 2009 with premium quality and designed.

The backbone of the system is a direct drive, Electric motor that draws air thought a Pre Filter. These products are designed stainless steel with long lasting performance and widely used in research and pharmaceutical industries. These filter remove 90% of all particles as small as 5-microns from a large-volume air systems. A Mini pleat HEPA filter, rated 99.99% efficient with 0.3 micron particles is available at the other end from which clean air is forced to the work surface through the perforated grill.

Bio Safety Cabinet


  • Unwire the units when opening the pre filter zone or accessing the HEPA zone.
  • Handle the HEPA filter with ultimate care, as it is highly valuable and delicate.
  • The electrical requirements are 220 V, single phase, 50 Hz.
  • The Pre filter must be cleaned every week by highly compressed Gas/Air.
Bio Safety Cabinet Bio Safety Cabinet


  • Abrasion-resistant Mat Finishing steel.
  • HEPA filtering system and uniform laminar flow provides a class-100 contamination-free work area.
  • Air-Stream is not directed at the operator causing less stress over.
  • Face velocity of HEPA is adjustable from 90 ± 20 FPM.
  • Illumination system allows uninterrupted flow of clean air.
Bio Safety Cabinet


  • General Construction: 19 Gauge Stainless Steel Sheet.
  • Finish: Buffed Matt Finish.
  • HEPA Filter : 915mm x 610mm x 65mm-01 No. Mini Pleat HEPA filter 99.999% Efficient down to 0.3 microns.
  • Lighting : Fluorescent type, with Milky White Diffuser Candles at Work Place: 02 Nos.
  • Electrical : Single phase, 220v, 50 Hz, Roma - Make ON/OFF Switches Performance: Dust counts exceeds class 100 requirements as per Standard.
  • Controls : All switches on MCB controls.
  • Noise : Less then 70dbs on A scale.
  • Vibration Minimum.


  • Below the Hepa filter is an SS 304 protective grill.
  • Exhaust duct made of stainless steel 304 (height to be determined by the client).
  • The motor speed is controlled using a variable frequency drive (VFD).
  • The real airflow in FPM can be sensed with the use of a high-quality air velocity sensor.
  • Optional extras and accessories are available.

Bio Safety Cabinets